A Look at July Weather in Vancouver, Canada

July Weather in Vancouver – Temperatures, Sunshine, Rainfall Amounts & more.

Vancouver July Weather

By Darrin Robertson, VTT Editor - Updated: January 17, 2023

July is a great time to be in Vancouver, up in Whistler or over on Vancouver Island. Summer is in full swing, and the weather is excellent for tours of the city, coast and Canadian Rockies. There are still a few days of precipitation, but not the days-in-a-row of rain so common in the winter.

Sunny July day in Vancouver!

July Weather in Vancouver - Sunshine & Rainfall

What to Wear in Vancouver in July – it’s summer in Vancouver, so short-sleeve cotton tops, lighter pants and khaki-type shorts will work well. Near the water at night, a light sweater for ladies is a good idea.

Some weather statistics for Vancouver in the month of July:

The average rainfall amount for Vancouver in July is about 40 mm. Overall Vancouver gets about 9 hours of sunshine a day in July. That makes July the sunniest month in Vancouver.

July Sunrise time in Vancouver: about 5:20 A.M. Sunset: around 9 P.M.

Vancouver Temperatures in July: we usually get our hottest days of the year in Vancouver in July. The average daytime high temperature in Vancouver in July is about 21 degrees Celcius (70 degrees F), with the normal low at night around 11 degrees C (52 F)

Humidity in Vancouver in July is at it’s lowest point of the year at around 87%.

July Weather in Vancouver Island & Whistler BC

Weather in Whistler, BC Canada in July

It's very nice at the Whistler/Blackcomb Resort in summer - lots of sunshine, with the average daytime high temperature in Whistler in July about 27 C (80 F). It's cooler both at night (11 C or 52 F) and at the top of the mountain.

Vancouver Island & Victoria BC Weather in July

It's pretty much the same as the lower mainland. Average July temperature on Vancouver Island is 22 degrees C (71 F) in Victoria and 23 C ( F) in Nanaimo, BC. Rainfall is moderate at just under 30 mm/month.

July Accommodation & Touring in Vancouver

Where to Stay on a July Vacation in Vancouver

July is one of the best months of the year to visit Vancouver – and also one of the most expensive! So, a good cheap hotel near the water like the Sylvia Hotel would allow you enjoy Vancouver by the beach in summer while still staying close to your budget.
Weather for Alaska Cruises from Vancouver in July

July is probably one of the most popular months for Alaska cruises from Vancouver. The weather for cruising the inside passage up to Alaska and around Glacier Bay is fine, and July offers the best choices of cruises departing Vancouver for Alaska.

Driving in Vancouver & Vancouver Island in July – this is one of the best times to drive in southwestern B.C. Roads are usually quite dry, visibility is excellent, and temperatures are very nice. Traffic can be heavier though due to it being high season for tourism.

Best Attractions to See in Vancouver in July: Grouse Mountain, Stanley Park, and English Bay are great outdoor summertime places to go. Don’t forget the Vancouver Fireworks festival in July, the Celebration of Light, which is free and takes place on Wednesday and Saturday nights during the last week of the month.

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